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Prowler Stainless Steel
Rear-view Mirror Trim with Cat
Parts included:
Prowler Rear-view Mirror trim frame
Begin by washing your Rear-view mirror with a good glass cleaner. Be
sure to get the outer edges of the glass, this is where you will attach
the frame.
Hold the Trim Frame up to the Rear-view mirror and position it so that
the entire trim ring lies on the mirror glass. You may have to gently
and slightly bend the Trim Frame to get it to fit your mirror. This
piece was designed for the Prowler original stock mirror. If you have
an after market mirror it may not fit.
3. Once complete
take the Trim Frame and remove the Red backing on the back.
4. Now take the
mirror Trim Frame and place it on the glass on the outside
perimeter, just like you did on the trail run.
Warning: The back of
this Trim Frame is a permanent stick tape. You will not be
able to move the Trim Frame once you set it against the glass. Be
sure it is perfectly lined up. Press down gently at first – you
might be able to move it ever so slightly if you need to. Now press
firmly all over the entire frame. You can use masking tape around
the edges to keep it down on the glass if necessary. Let it sit for
8 hours to bond. Be sure to immediately wipe away any excess Promoter using a small
patch of Rubbing Alcohol.
5. After the drying
period remove the masking tape. Clean the Stainless Steel Trim Frame
again with Rubbing Alcohol to remove any residue.

Cat may be smaller on latest version.
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