13721 Spring Hill Dr., Spring Hill,  FL 34611 
Phone: 352 688 8160 M-F EST


Prowler Stainless Steel Polished Rear Frame Caps
PART#  ACC-822028


      Parts included:    

       2 x Polished Rear Frame Caps,  2 x Packets of Promoter

NOTE:  Do not remove the clear plastic film on top of the trim rings or the red liner on the backside of the trim rings until instructed to do so.

1.  Remove the rear wheels of you Prowler.  It is easiest to do this one at a time, mount the Frame Cap, remount the wheel and repeat the process with the other rear wheel.


2.  Once the wheel is removed, take a Rear Frame Cap and set it on top of the frame corner.  Adjust it so you are comfortable how it fits properly. 

3.  Once we see how the Cap fits snuggly on to the frame corner take a tube of clear adhesive silicone found at any hardware store and liberally apply it to the frames vertical sides (see diagram).  Remove the backing from the tape that is attached to the underside top of the of the Frame Cap.  Carefully position the Frame Cap into its proper position.


4.  Once in place press firmly over the entire surface of the Frame Cap.  It is best to let this set for two hours before remounting the rear wheel.

5.  Once the rear wheel is remounted repeat the process with the other rear wheel.


To clean use a good glass cleaner or stainless steel cleaner.


Questions?  Please email us at admin@TheProwlerStore.com

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